No Spectators

No Spectators

The Smithsonian American Art Museum’s Renwick Gallery is hosting an exhibit on Burning Man culture, called “No Spectators”,  opening March 30th, and will run through January 21st. I am pleased to share that I will have a running stock of...
April Workshop at CoSM

April Workshop at CoSM

Would you like to make a headdress with me, and be surrounded by the magical art of Alex & Allison Grey, with a lovely community of people, on a beautiful property in upstate NY? Who wouldn’t!? On April 20th-22nd, I will be teaching my third annual headdress...
Encinitas, CA Headdress Workshop

Encinitas, CA Headdress Workshop

Join me in a beautiful palace in Encinas, CA, on March 31st & April 1st, 2018, for a headdress making workshop! I will be sharing my techniques in crafting crowns, and demonstrating how to work with a variety of materials, while encouraging...
The Spirit in the Stones

The Spirit in the Stones

The Spirit in the Stones The Lightning in our Bones Crying out in whispers We can hear the pulsing tones If we only stop to listen To what she has to say Ages worth of wisdom Will be shared with you today Photo by Von Wong Photography, Headdress & model Ka...
To Be Brave and Blossom

To Be Brave and Blossom

Be brave and blossom. It’s safe to bloom, To unfurl your colors And take up room. It’s time now, to open. It’s okay. To show your tender petals To the light of day.It can be scary To open completely. We sometimes feel wary To unfold ourselves...
Bless your Imagination

Bless your Imagination

Bless your imagination. It is a great and most powerful gift. Whether you realize it or not, you create and destroy worlds within your mind, simply by what you bring forth in thought. Be vigilant, and do your best to imagine what you love, what you find beautiful, and...
Into the Abyss

Into the Abyss

I blow a kiss Into the abyss Where it’s too dark to see Lurking in me I send letters of love To the hurts I have shoved Into the cracks Behind my backI offer flowers To the times I’ve disempowered Myself or another Sister or brotherI light a candle For the...
The Spark

The Spark

The vision is just the spark, the genius, the genie. It does no good staying nestled in its lamp. The real magic happens when we give it some elbow grease, refine and polish it. Then, Viola! We have our vision’s wish granted. Original photo by sequoia...
Wear your Heart

Wear your Heart

Wear your heart on your sleeve, show your strength to me. Unbridle your passion, so that your heart burns through your chest. Then you know, beyond all doubt, you are true, to yourself, to the All. Let your Phoenix heart rise, from the flames of pain, grief and...
Rise Above

Rise Above

Be extraordinary. We all have our doubts. We all have that voice that tells us we might not be good enough. Talk back. Engage the conversation. Say, “Watch me.” Try anyway. You’ll most likely surprise yourself with what you can do. Amaze yourself....
The Skeleton Tree

The Skeleton Tree

She and the Skeleton Tree I love this tree Across the road from me stood tall and stark smooth white bark dotted with pits full of acorn bits some of which would sprout life bursting out of death and decay This is always the way Last fall it fell It was loud, I could...