When the leaves have fallen,
And we stand bare,
And splendor has crawled inside,
Warming herself at the hearth of her heart,
She finds herself in there.

Going within,
Under your skin,
Hear the drumbeat in your chest.
Dance to your dreams
When everything seems
To be cold, or lost, or blessed.

In this sweet silence
While nature holds her breath,
May you be held in peace.
May your heart glow bright,
Through the longest of night.
May you find rest in winter’s depth.

May all the love, you’ve ever known
Fill your eyes like stars.
And if tears fall down,
May they bless the ground,
Where in the spring
Flowers will grow.

Hold yourself close
To the flame of your love,
And you will stay safe and warm.
There is no other light,
More beautiful and bright
Than the blazing star of your soul.

Blessed Solstice and Happy Holidays-
Ka Amorastreya

“Winter Enchantment”, acrylic on wood, 5″x7″, 2015